Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Good morning friends,
Ah, the gypsy in me is getting revved-up to travel....back in May, I was fortunate to be offered a speaking event with none other than venerable "Lord" Wedgewood...the guy the china from England is named after (not really, it was an ancestor of his, but close....). I think we got along just wonderfully and after the event was over I mentioned that I had my passport and was very flexible and available to do this again....ANYWHERE! Well, lo and behold, I got a call...unfortunately, I will not be needing my passport to travel to Knoxville, but still, it is a nice compliment. So, today, I pick up the rental car and high-tail it off to Tennesee. I am leaving around 10 am and it should take no longer than 6 hours, so it will be a lovely ride through the autumn colors of the Blue Ridge Moutains! I did not bring my camera with me to the last event...bad move. So, this is my second chance to get a great photo of me and the Lord. (not THE LORD, just lord W)
Photos and interesting stories will follow....
Hope you are enjoying this lovely autumn and pacing yourself for the season to come! I am seriously toying with the idea of having a tea party BUNCO event! I long to play bunco, and no one has ever invited me to a game, so, guess I will have to do it myself! I bought a Bunco game with lots of small dice, one big red furry die, a cool bell and score cards...all I need is 11 friends and tea and tea goodies and I am set, plus, I love to show off my pretty Christmas house! Hope you are planning a celebration of some sort for the Christmas season as it is a good idea.

1 comment:

Joyce Mineer said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Way to go!!! I can't wait to see some pics and hear the great stories you're sure to have when you get home! Be safe on the road! Oh, and count me in for BUNCO, whatever the heck that is! But if it's a game involving red fuzzy dice, how bad could it be!!