Monday, August 31, 2009

Today is MY birthday!

Hi there!

Well, Aug. 31 is the very last day of the month...been a bit vacant here on the ol blog...but, since it is my bday, thought I would check in and say hello. Last week Paul took the whole week as vacation and we did a "staycation" out at the lake. We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies loaded up in that little red pick up and the black vw beetle...packed so tight that when you open a door something gets flung out with a whole lot of velocity. We certainly had a sweet set-up. It was hot...days averaged in the 90s, but we had 3 fans and an ac unit (no kidding) Nonetheless, we were sweaty. I read most of My life in France, by Julia Child. It is very very good and made me want to read her cookbook, so I bought Mastering the Art of French Cooking (not that I will ever make a single recipe in there, it is just a fun read, seriously). While at the lake we ate, read, walked, swam, and relaxed a whole lot, it was very nice. Paul had his bday while there too. Friday we packed it all up and came home to ac comfort. Saturday we saw Inglorious B*, it as a very good movie. I am now Two for two as Julie/Julia was also good.

I know I have rambled on about "change"....and for certain, it is what life is all about....I am so much more aware of change in this time of my life. When I look back, of course my previous years were chock full of change, but I do not recall analyzing or being even aware of all the ramafications of those changes...NOW is a different story. Change has me captivated. Perhaps it is because I have the luxury of free-time to ponder events??? Whatever, I am scrutinizing the changes happening or about to happen in my life both personally and globally. Thank goodness one thing NEVER changes...that's Jesus. I am so very thankful for the faith He has given me and the assurance that whatever change occurs, it is within His good will for me. I trust Him. Still, facing change can be painful or frightening, or both! A bit over 20 years ago my immediate family was moving to NC from Boston...a change that the USAF dictated and we complied. Not so easy for two teenage daughters and much drama and trauma ensued. Rough going. My parents were also moving...from Kansas to Arizona. A big change moving from family, that is something WE had been doing for all our married life, but not my folks...another big change and I have to admit I was surprised at them, how could they move away from family???? Well, fast-forward and here I am, 20 years older and contemplating the exact same type of movement...and I now know exactly why they did it, cuz it is why I will do it too. I admit that the dynamics of my family have changed and I will adapt to that change too! I will not sit and moan and resent...I will run, dance, skip to meet the change. I will change too.

1 comment:

Just Marianne said...

Happy Birthday Cathy. Missed you at the book club meeting!
