Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Number 98

I pulled into the parking lot and found quite a few good spots. After parking and making sure I had my list, I headed for the door past a couple of friendly-looking ladies thanking me for coming out....when I pulled open the door, there were four friendly people, all intent upon....ME, I was the only one there, for a moment, then another "Cathy" walked up. Really, her name was Cathy too, how's that! After making sure I was who I said I was...all conducted in English, thankyouverymuch, I headed over to the kiosk, marked my ballot, fed it to the machine and realized that as of 1pm, I was number 98 voter for the entire day so far! I am so disapointed in YOU guys.
The good news is that the folks I voted for all won! The bad news is that so very few of the voters showed up. Can't think of another clever thing to say. So will say, God Bless America

Get out and Vote

Dear ones,
Today is an election day in counties all over the USA. Small beans in the scheme of things one might say...I mean, how important is a seat on the school board???? HOW IMPORTANT! V-E-R-Y. Can I say it more clearly? With this election we can send a message to congress, we not only don't agree with how you're running our country, we will DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. We legally and morally have the authority to do this, so get your umbrella out and go vote (in the rain here in NC). Lots of good people have died so we can do this. Lots of good people sacrificed so we can do this. Lots of good people all over this world would love to be able to do this....we are blessed above all to have this liberty. Shame on all who decide to not participate. How dare you?