Friday, February 6, 2009

Get Happy

Good morning everyone!
So, the news is all bad???? Turn off the TV and radio....don't read the paper (if you are one of the 10 in America who still do!), ignore it all people!!! It is just plain bad for ya! I have a song here that will give you some solid encouragement and lift your spirits in all the right ways. I am so thankful that I believe God. Most of the time it is quite easy for me, and in those times when it is hard, well, somehow He gets through to me, hauls me up and out of dispare and well, it is just good, that's all I can say. When things get dark, I get excited, because I KNOW God has something in store for His people that will literally amaze them. Shock and Awe. What a way to live. So, in this current "economic crisis" I am just anticipating something so over-the-top awesome that I am on the edge of my seat!
Thank you Awesome God!!!


missmari said...

Way to go cuz! You have encouraged all who read your blog today. Whether you are up or down, Do Not Fear sets the tone for all days..


Joyce Mineer said...

Good morning my friend! You are ALWAYS a ray of sunshine for me...We were talking about this very thing in school last night. I can't help but think the media is to blame for a lot of the dismall-ness in peoples hearts these days. I spoke up and said, "what if we woke up tomorrow morning and the reporters said 'folks, it is a wonderfully awesome day today' I bet we'd start to see a turnaround!" We humans are such herders and follow whatever or whomever is leading us! Why do we continue to allow ourselves to get sucked in? Ahh! I'm on my soapbox - sorry! Anyway, thanks Cathy for the cherry message and beautiful song that accompanied it... I'm grateful you are part of my life my friend!