Saturday, May 10, 2008

Good News and Out in the sun all day

My Camera works! (that's the good news).... These are some flowers from my yard. Roses, tree peonies, peony, pink spyria of some kind, catmint and salvia....glorious. These guys were full of bugs, so I left them outside all afternoon and now, they have vanished to parts unknown....both of us happier too!
Our "square foot garden"
Today we mixed the planting mixture....vermiculite, peat moss, compost of 5 is lovely for planting! After mixing the planting medium, we then marked off 12" squares with stakes. Then, the FUN began!. We planted German Johnson tomatoes, Betterboys, romas and a lemon yellow tomato plant! Then radish, vidalia onion sets, carrots of two varieties, bush beans, cantalopes, zuchini, basil (sweet and cinnamon), beets, yellow squash, ...I think that is it! *whew*

We watered very carefully, then noticed ants everywhere in one box and figured Paul must have brought them in with our own compost we did a dusting of seven....hated to do it, but figure that it might just get rid of those ants and we won't do it again!

Isn't it pretty? Sure hope it stays that way and we harvest a boat load of goodies!

These beauties stand 2 feet off the ground and there's no bending to weed or them! They are 10 years old and still look just great.

This is the street view of the raised garden.

Another last look at another kind of harvest from my yard.
We took a break to go to Woody's baseball game. His team won and Woody hit every time he was up earning runs and also doing well on 3rd base! We are very proud of his baseball career and so enjoy watching him play. This is probably his last year for baseball and it is going to be a bit sad....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cathy, your flowers look so pretty in G'ma's white vase.
I always thought it was such a pretty one and glad to see you are using it.