Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our Christmas morning

Hello Friends,
Well, Dec. 25 has come and gone, very quickly, I might add! We had our tradition-packed Christmas morning family celebration. The menu is set in cement....sausage and egg casserole, monkey bread, strawberries and bananas....lately we added mimosas for the grown-ups, oj and cider for the tots...and then there's lots of cookies, candies, breads, and assorted tasties of all varieties to nibble on.....that is a given. Then, a must, are the grocery bag stockings everyone enjoys filled and going through....I make the large pictures of each person with the year on it. We decided not to do gift exchange among adults, altho Paul and I enjoy giving the Snow Village piece to each family....this started with Woody years ago, probably at least 12 years now. He enjoyed my village and I told him when I went to be with Jesus, he would get all my snow village! But, then, I decided why should he wait? So each Christmas he gets another piece! Then I started giving them to our son, then we decided, just to get each family a new piece each year that would add to their collection and they would remember us every Christmas that way! This year...I bought "THE HAT" It is a cone-shaped hat with ermine edging and red ribbon ties and it has a bottle brush Christmas tree on top and wrapped packages all over it...and it says: "The Best Gift Under the Tree is ME!" I just had to have that hat...and I told everyone they could not eat any monkey bread until I took their photo wearing it, so if you click here you can see a new slideshow of our Christmas....some of the photos are from the day before as we were wrapping gifts, one of Paul all pooped, and of course, the families and the "stockings" and the hat. Hope you enjoy and that you had a tradition-filled celebration.

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