Saturday, September 22, 2007


Today is a very special day in the life of all MiddleEarth auspicious occasion to celebrate with much tea and mushrooms and all sorts of treats, the birthday of these two excellent fellows! Join me in celebrating their birthdays!
There is no other volumn of works I have ever been more a devoted fan of than those of JRR Tolkien. Love the movies, have the unabridged books on tape, missing my set of the Hobbit, which I loaned to someone.....anyone out there with them???.....should have written it down, oh well. I just think they are awesome.
On to today!
We are going to a wedding in Magnolia, NC! Brandye and Kyle will be tying the knot this evening and we will be among friends and family wishing them a long and happy life together! A wedding is such a joyous occasion. I am glad to be invited and attending! I won't ever forget their anniversary as it falls on the Baggins Boys Birthday!!! Hope to have some photos to share with you later. It is warm and kinda muggy again here in NC, but sunny and by the end of the day, it should be a bit cooler and nice for the event. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

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